Cyber security is of absolute importance in today’s increasingly digitalized world. Just think about it. In case there is a determined cyber-attack against your company, you might end up losing critically important customer data. The recent surge of ransomware software has shown the frailty of our interconnected business networks. The WannaCry virus locked down entire companies and demanded a ransom for releasing the data. Non-payment led to the total and permanent erasure of all of the organization’s data. Apart from that, unscrupulous people are intent on stealing passwords and critically important customer information, such as credit card data for instance. If a vulnerability is discovered, these people make the most of it and bleed the company dry. However, it does not have to be this way at all. There are many ways of preventing a breach in your cyber security. Some of them include the following:
Implement Rigid Access Control Barriers
This is one of the single most effective steps that any organization can take to prevent the pilferage of classified information. By controlling access to critical information on a strictly need to know basis, you can increase the security and safety of your IT infrastructure to a great extent. Apart from that, it is much easier to keep track of the access levels of a select few, instead of doing the same for every employee working in an organization.
Restrict Access to Removable Data Carrying Devices
It is imperative to disable the USB ports of every workstation in your organization. USB devices should only be permitted after being duly vetted by the IT department. All workstations and laptops should have silent alarm systems. These alarms should automatically alert the IT department in case anyone tries to download or upload data on their smartphone or any other device without permission.
Always Try and Change Default Passwords at Least Once Every Week
Many devices and networks are usually protected by a single default password only. Sometimes, these passwords are hangovers from the time the company was first established. While it may seem very convenient at first glance, this issue is actually a terrible security risk. In fact, it can easily leave your organization open to attack from cyber hackers. You should try and change all the passwords in your company at least once every two weeks or so at staggered intervals. This way, even if one password is compromised, the other ones will remain safe.
A well thought out cyber security plan consists of awareness of the threat as well as the implementation of certain strategies to minimize the threat. Apart from that, your cyber security strategy should also feature an action plan to back up and/or recover data in case of a cyber-attack on your system. This last is extremely important because an increasingly larger number of cyber attacks are now being successful. If you don’t have a data recovery plan you might lose crucial information.
You can contact Esolutionmate for more information on this critically important topic.
Esolutionmate is an IT company based in Adelaide, South Australia specializing in Web Design, SEO, Mobile App & IT Solutions.